Guangdong Jinhui Industrial Co., Ltd. was established in 1993, is a product design and development, manufacturing, marketing and management, warehousing and logistics in one of the stationery business, has a modern industrial plants, advanced production line and testing equipment, ISO standard production management system , Perfect post-processing technology and experienced professional team provide a strong guarantee for the efficient production of products. Products covered in this paper books, art picture books, office paper, data storage, honors, introduce new products each year over a thousand models. Its Jinhui and Daolin brands are widely known in the Chinese and international markets. Products cover all parts of the country and are exported to more than 20 countries and regions, with partners all over the world.
歐米特不停機放卷機是一款采用歐米特全新專(zhuān)利技術(shù)的加工單元,在特定的時(shí)間框架內,操作人員無(wú)需停機更換紙卷,在提升產(chǎn)量... |
訊:2016年12月28日,由國家新聞出版廣電總局印刷發(fā)行司指導、中國印刷技術(shù)協(xié)會(huì )主辦的綠色印刷總結表?yè)P大會(huì )暨中國... |
原文:綠色發(fā)展取得新突破。“十二五”期間,全省共淘汰落后銅冶煉1.5萬(wàn)噸、鉛冶煉0.8萬(wàn)噸、水泥4026.5萬(wàn)噸、... |
作為制造業(yè)大國,近年來(lái)隨著(zhù)人工成本上升、經(jīng)濟增速放緩,中國制造業(yè)正面臨一場(chǎng)行業(yè)危機。由于創(chuàng )新能力的缺失、生態(tài)圈的疲... |
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